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Takuya Umedachi, Kentaro Ito, and Akio Ishiguro, "
Soft-bodied Amoeba-inspired Robot That Switches between Qualitatively Different Behaviors with Decentralized Stiffness Control
Adaptive Behavior
vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 97-108, 2015
Takuya Umedachi, Shunya Horikiri, Ryo Kobayashi, and Akio Ishiguro "
Enhancing Adaptability of Amoeboid Robot by Synergetically Coupling Two Decentralized Controller Inspired by True Slime Mold
Adaptive Behavior
vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 109-121, 2015
Dai Owaki, Shun-ya Horikiri, and Akio Ishiguro, "Load-dependent Interlimb Coordination for Bipedal Walking," ICRA 2015 CPG Workshop, 2015
Takeshi Kano, Hironori Chiba, Takuya Umedachi, and Akio Ishiguro, "TEGOTAE-based control for one-dimensional crawling locomotion,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM)
, 2015
Takeshi Kano, Hisashi Date, Kosuke Inoue, and Akio Ishiguro, "Snake-like robot that exhibits adaptive concertina locomotion,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM)
, 2015
Hitoshi Aonuma, Masashi Goda, Shigeru Kuroda, Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro "Cricket switches locomotion patterns from walking to swimming by evaluating reaction forces from the environment,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM)
, 2015
Dai Owaki, Shun-ya Horikiri, Jun Nishii, Akio Ishiguro, "Experimental Verification of Bipedal Walking Control Exploiting Plantar Sensory Feedback,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2015)
, 2015
Dai Owaki, Shura Suzuki, and Akio Ishiguro, "TEGOTAE-based CPG Control for Quadrupd Locomotion,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2015)
, 2015
Dai Owaki, Helmut Hauser, Akio Ishiguro, "Implicit Stiffness Control Embedded in Nonlinear Spring Enables Stable and Robust Running,"
Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2015)
, 2015
Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, Akira Fukuhara, Ryo Kobayashi, and Akio Ishiguro, "New Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Quadruped Gait Transition,"
The 1st International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (SWARM 2015)
, 2015
Takeshi Kano, Hironori Chiba, Takuya Umedachi, and Akio Ishiguro, "Decentralized Control of 1D Crawling Locomotion by Exploiting ‘TEGOTAE’ from Environment,"
The 1st International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (SWARM 2015)
, 2015
Kotaro Yasui, Kazuhiko Sakai, Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro, "TEGOTAE-based decentralized control mechanism underlying myriapod locomotion,"
The 1st International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (SWARM 2015)
, 2015
Dai Owaki, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Akio Ishiguro, and Shin-ichi Izumi, "Auditory Foot: A Novel Auditory Feedback System Regarding Kinesthesia,"
IEEE International Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS 2015)
, 2015
Arito Yozu, Tetsuro Funato, Dai Owaki, and Nobuhiko Haga "Development of a measurement and real-time display system for kinematics and muscle synergy of gait,"
IEEE International Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS 2015)
, 2015
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, "A Minimal CPG Model for Interlimb Coordination in Quadruped Locomotion," ICRA 2015 CPG Workshop, 30th May, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington
Akio Ishiguro, "Toward Understanding the Inter-limb Coordination Mechanism in Legged Locomotion," The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2015), 25th June, MIT, Boston, USA
福原洸,大脇大,加納剛史,石黒章夫:東北大学附置研究所若手アンサンブルワークショップ,優秀ポスター賞 「自律分散制御則から切り拓く四脚ロコモーションの発現機序」,2015年7月23日
Research Institute of Electrical Communication
Tohoku University