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Akio Ishiguro and Masahiro Shimizu, "On the Task Distribution between Control and Mechanical Systems: A Case Study with an Amobeboid Modular Robot,"
50 Years of Artificial Intelligence: Essays Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Artificial Intelligence(Eds. M. Lungarella, F. Iida, J. Bongard, and R. Pfeifer),Springer
, pp.144-153, 2008
Masahiro Shimizu, Takuma Kato, Max Lungarella, and Akio Ishiguro, "Adaptive Modular Robots Through Heterogeneous Inter-Module Connections,"
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
, vol.20 no.3, pp.386-393, 2008
Takuya Umedachi,Taichi Kitamura and Akio Ishiguro, "An Amoeboid Locomotion That Exploits Real-Time Tunable Springs and Law of Conservation of Protoplasmic Mass,"
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
, vol.20 no.3, pp.449-455, 2008
Wataru Watanabe, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Akio Ishiguro, "
Rapid and Cheap Learning by Exploiting Biarticular Muscles - A Case Study With a Two-Dimensional Serpentine Robot
Advanced Robotics
, vol.22 no.15, pp.1683-1696, 2008
Masahiro Shimizu, Takuma Kato, Max Lungarella and Akio Ishiguro, "
Adaptive Reconfiguration of a Modular Robot through Heterogeneous Inter-Module Connections
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
, IEEE, pp.3527-3532, 2008
Dai Owaki, Koichi Osuka and Akio Ishiguro, "
On the Embodiment That Enables Passive Dynamic Bipedal Running
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
, IEEE, pp.341-346, 2008
Takuya Umedachi, Taichi Kitamura, and Akio Ishiguro, "
A Fully Decentralized Control of an Amoeboid Robot by Exploiting the Law of Conservation of Protoplasmic Mass
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
, IEEE, pp.1144-1149, 2008
Wataru Watanabe, Takahide Sato and Akio Ishiguro, "
An Efficient Decentralized Learning by Exploiting Biarticular Muscles - A case study with a 2D serpentine robot -
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
, IEEE, pp.3826-3831, 2008
Kazuya Suzuki, Tsunamichi Tsukidate, Masahiro Shimizu, Akio Ishiguro, "Self-assembly and Self-repair by Exploiting Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators with Simple Motile Function,"
The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2008)
, 2008
Akio Ishiguro, Masatoshi Koyama, Dai Owaki, Jun Nishii, "Increasing Stability of Passive Dynamic Bipedal Walking by Exploiting Hyperextension of Knee Joints,"
The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2008)
, 2008
Dai Owaki, Koichi Osuka, Akio Ishiguro, "Adaptive Gait Transition between Passive Dynamic Walking and Running,"
The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2008)
, 2008
Dai Owaki, Koichi Osuka, Akio Ishiguro, "
Gait Transition between Passive Dynamic Walking and Running by Changing the Body Elasticity
SICE Annual Conference 2008
, pp.2513-2518, 2008
Kazuya Suzuki, Tsunamichi Tsukidate, Takeshi Nakada, Masahiro Shimizu, Akio Ishiguro, "
Self-assembly through the Local Interaction between “Embodied”Nonlinear Oscillators with Simple Motile Function
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, IEEE, pp.1319-1324, 2008
Akio Ishiguro, Takuya Umedachi, Taichi Kitamura, Toshiyuki Nakagaki and Ryo Kobayashi, "A Fully Decentralized Morphology Control of an Amoeboid Robot by Exploiting the Law of Conservation of Protoplasmic Mass,"
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, IEEE, 2008
Takuya Umedachi, Taichi Kitamura, Koichi Takeda, Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Ryo Kobayashi, and Akio Ishiguro, "
A Modular Robot Driven by Protoplasmic Streaming
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 2008
, pp.193-202, 2008
Akio Ishiguro, "Understanding Mobiligence Through Amoeboid Locomotion -- A Case Study with a Modular Robot --,"
The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2008)
, Cleveland, USA, June 1-6th, 2008
Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Hiroyasu Yamada, Ryo Kobayashi, Atsushi Tero, Akio Ishiguro, Agota Toth, 2008 Ig Nobel Prize(Cognitive Science Prize), For discovering that slime molds can solve puzzles, Oct. 2nd, 2008
Dai Owaki ,Koichi Osuka ,Akio Ishiguro:Finalist in the SICE Annual Conference International Award, Gait Transition between Passive Dynamic Walking and Running by Changing the Body Elasticity, Aug. 20-22nd, 2008
加藤 拓真,清水 正宏,Max Lungarella,石黒 章夫:第244回SICE東北支部研究集会,優秀発表奨励賞「粘菌型ロボットから探る自律分散個間の相互作用様式のあり方に関する考察」2008年7月2日
坂井善行,石田怜,大脇大,手老篤史,石黒章夫:第245回SICE東北支部研究集会,優秀発表奨励賞「周波数と位相の調整が可能なマルチリズミックオシレータモデル -一次元ホッピングロボットの跳躍学習への適用-」,2008年10月24日
Research Institute of Electrical Communication
Tohoku University