Ishiguro Lab

Animal Locomotion through Robotics!

Our research lies at the intersection of biology and engineering: we use models, simulations and robots to understand how animals move, with a focus on morphology, decentralized control and interaction with the environment.

22 Jun 2024
"Mr. Motoki Murayama at Real-world computing (Ishiguro Laboratry) received Poster Presentation Award in annual meeting 2024 of Paleontological Society of...
30 May 2024
Assistant Professor Akira Fukuhara in Ishiguro Laboratory received the Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation (ROBOMECH2023) from the JSME Robotics...
18 Feb 2024
Mr. Motoki Murayama at Real-world computing (Ishiguro-Kano Laboratry) received Presentation Award for Young Researcher in 36th SICE Symposium on Decentralized...
13 Sep 2023
Mr.Shoei Hattori (Doctor's Student) won "Excellent Research and Technology Award n 4th" for his presentation at The 40th Annual Conference...
29 Aug 2023
Research results regarding worms have been press released! Please check the page below for details. Press Release Article(Japanese) Press Release...