"Mr. Daisuke Akai at Real-world computing (Ishiguro Laboratory) received Presentation Award in annual meeting 2025 of Autonomous Decentralized system symposium. The award subject matter is entitled ""On the decentralized control mechanism underlying situation-dependent transition between walking and peristalsis in centipede locomotion."
Publication Details: Title:Foot trajectory as a key factor for diverse gait patterns in quadruped robot locomotion Author:Shura Suzuki, Kosuke Matayoshi, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Dai Owaki
Publication Details: Title:Bicycle-inspired simple balance control method for quadruped robots in high-speed running Author:Shoei Hattori, Shura Suzuki, Akira Fukuhara, Takeshi Kano, Akio Ishiguro
Research results regarding plesiosaur have been press released! Please check the page below for details. Press Release Article(Japanese) Press Release Article(English) Paper Nikkei(Japan Economic Times)
Publication Details: Title:Rethinking the four-wing problem in plesiosaur swimming using bio-inspired decentralized control Author:Akira Fukuhara, Mitsutoshi Sato, Hasayuki Ogawa, Tamaki Sato, William Sellers, Akio Ishiguro
Publication Details: Title:Decentralized control law for load-adaptive gaits of multi-legged robots inspired by millipedes Author:Kotaro Yasui, Atsushi Ohno, Takeshi Kano, Akio Ishiguro
"5th Excellent Presentation Award is presented to assistant professor Akira Fukuhara from The Robotics Society of Japan. The Presentation title is ''A multi-degree-of-freedom leg mechanism toward understanding polysemantic forelimb of carnivorous mammals.''" For details, please see the following page. Articles about the award
"Mr. Motoki Murayama at Real-world computing (Ishiguro Laboratry) received Poster Presentation Award in annual meeting 2024 of Paleontological Society of Japan. The awared subject matter is entitled ""Effect of the rotational movement of the trunk on the inter-flipper coordination in plesiosaur swimming."
Assistant Professor Akira Fukuhara in Ishiguro Laboratory received the Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation (ROBOMECH2023) from the JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Division. The presentation title is "Development of limb structure for quadruped robot that can generate stride motions and mimic flexible shoulder region."
Professor Akio Ishiguro and assistant professor Kotaro Yasui in Ishiguro Laboratory appeared on NHK TV program and introduced interesting locomotor behaviors of centipedes and our research results! For details, please see the following page. Articles about the appearance
Mr. Motoki Murayama at Real-world computing (Ishiguro-Kano Laboratry) received Presentation Award for Young Researcher in 36th SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems. The award subject matter is entitled "Reconstruction of plesiosaur swimming pattern considering trunk posture and inter-flipper coordination."
Mr.Shoei Hattori (Doctor's Student) won "Excellent Research and Technology Award n 4th" for his presentation at The 40th Annual Conference of the RSJ. The presentation title is "Proposal of a leg-trunk linkage mechanism inspired by the myofascial meridian of quadrupedal animals".
"The Robotics Society of Japan 2023 Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award" is presented to Akira Fukuhara, Megu Gunji and Yoichi Masuda for the paper entitled "Comparative anatomy of quadruped robots and animals: a review" published in Advanced Robotics, the International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol36, No.13, pp.612-630,...
Research results regarding worms have been press released! Please check the page below for details. Press Release Article(Japanese) Press Release Article(English) Paper University Journal Nikkei(Japan Economic Times)
Publication Details: Author: T. Kano, T. Kanno, T. Mikami and A. Ishiguro Title: "Active-sensing-based decentralized control of autonomous mobile agents for quick and smooth collision avoidance." Journal: Frontiers in Robotics and AI DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2022.992716
Laboratory website address has been changed. From now on, please access from the following address! www.cmplx.riec.tohoku.ac.jp
Publication Details: A. Fukuhara, W. Suda, T. Kano, R. Kobayashi, and A. Ishiguro Title: "Adaptive Interlimb Coordination Mechanism for Hexapod Locomotion Based on Active Load Sensing" Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2022.645683
Tohoku Universiry: "Decoding how salamanders walk" https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/en/press/decoding_how_salamanders_walk.html
Shoei Hattori (master’s student) has been selected as JSPS research fellowship for young scientists (DC1)! Congratulations!
Publication Details: Author: R. Thandiackal, K. Melo, L. Paez, J. Herault, T. Kano, K. Akiyama, F. Boyer, D. Ryczko, A. Ishiguro, A. J. Ijspeert Title: Emergence of Robust Self-Organized Undulatory Swimming Based on Local Hydrodynamic Force Sensing" Journal: Science Robotics DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abf6354
Publication Details: Dai Owaki, Shun-ya Horikiri, Jun Nishii and Akio Ishiguro Title: Tegotae-Based Control Produces Adaptive Inter- and Intra-limb Coordination in Bipedal Walking" Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2021.629595
Publication Details: T. Kano, M. Iwamoto, D. Ueyama Title: Decentralised Control of Multiple Mobile Agents for Quick, Smooth, and Safe Movement" Journal: Physica A DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2021.125898
Publication Details: Authors: S. Suzuki, T. Kano, A. J. Ijspeert, A. Ishiguro Title: Sprawling Quadruped Robot Driven by Decentralized Control with Cross-coupled Sensory Feedback between Legs and Trunk Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2020.607455
Publication Details: Authors: T. Kano, K. Yasui, T. Mikami, M. Asally, and A. Ishiguro Title: An agent-based model of the interrelation between the COVID-19 outbreak and economic activities Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society A DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2020.0604
Publication Details: Authors: Taishi Mikami,Takeshi Kano and Akio Ishiguro Title: An agent-based model for community formation process of vampire bats that survive by sharing food Journal: Artificial Life and Robotics DOI: 10.1007/s10015-020-00649-9
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Akio Ishiguro Title: Decoding Decentralized Control Mechanism Underlying Adaptive and Versatile Locomotion of Snakes Journal: Integrative and Comparative Biology DOI: 10.1093/icb/icaa014
Tomoyuki Baba was awarded the 2019 Dean of Engineering Award for his outstanding scores during his bachelor. Congrats, and keep it up!
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Eiichi Naito, Takenobu Aoshima and Akio Ishiguro Title: Decentralized control for swarm robots that can effectively execute spatially distributed tasks Journal: Artificial Life DOI: 10.1162/artl_a_00317
2019/12/03: Mirage News "Navigating Land and Water: How centipedes walk and swim" 2019/12/04: ICI Radio-Canada "Comment les mille-pattes passent-ils si facilement de la marche à la nage?"(仏語) 2019/12/09: Phys.org "Navigating land and water: How centipedes walk and swim" Science Daily "How centipedes navigate through land and water" Asia Research News...
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Daichi Kanauchi, Tatsuya Ono, Hitoshi Aonuma and Akio Ishiguro Title: Flexible Coordination of Flexible Limbs: Decentralized Control Scheme for Inter- and Intra-Limb Coordination in Brittle Stars' Locomotion" Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2019.00104
Tohoku University: "Navigating Land and Water: How Centipedes Walk and Swim” https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/en/press/navigating_land_and_water.html Video summary: https://youtu.be/gLMrh_6r760 University of Ottawa: "New research sheds light on animal locomotion" https://media.uottawa.ca/news/new-research-sheds-light-animal-locomotion Hokkaido University: https://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/191203_pr3.pdf Human Frontier Science Program: https://www.hfsp.org/hfsp-news-events/navigating-land-and-water-how-centipedes-walk-and-swim
Publication Details: Authors: K. Yasui, T. Kano, E. M. Standen, H. Aonuma, A. J. Ijspeert and A. Ishiguro Title: Decoding the essential interplay between central and peripheral control in adaptive locomotion of amphibious centipedes Journal: Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53258-3
Publication Details: Authors: Shura Suzuki, Takeshi Kano, Auke Jan Ijspeert, and Akio Ishiguro Title: Decentralized control with cross-coupled sensory feedback between body and limbs in sprawling locomotion Journal: Bioinpiration & Biomimetics DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/ab3ef6
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Daichi Kanauchi, Hitoshi Aonuma, Elizabeth G. Clark, and Akio Ishiguro Title: Decentralized Control Mechanism for Determination of Moving Direction in Brittle Stars With Penta-Radially Symmetric Body Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2019.00066
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Ryu Wakimoto, Mitsutoshi Sato, Ayumi Shinohara, and Akio Ishiguro Title: Designing higher fourier harmonics of Tegotae function using genetic algorithm — a case study with an earthworm locomotion — Journal: Bioinpiration & Biomimetics DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/ab2fab
Publication Details: Authors: Akira Fukuhara, Yukihiro Koizumi, Shura Suzuki, Takeshi Kano, and Akio Ishiguro Title: Decentralized control mechanism for body–limb coordination in quadruped running Journal: Adaptive Behavior DOI: 10.1177/1059712319865180
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Yoshihito Ikeshita, Akira Fukuhara and Akio Ishiguro Title: Body-limb coordination mechanism underlying speed-dependent gait transitions in sea roaches Journal: Scientific Reports, 9:2848(2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39862-3
Akira Fukuhara has been promoted to assistant professor since 1st of October. Congratulations!
We participated in ROBOMECH 2018.
NewAtlas(2017.12.15) Bioinspired robot easily adapts to lost appendages Electronics 360(2017.12.14) Watch: Robot That Can Adapt to Physical Damage Was Inspired by Brittle Stars ScienceDaily(2017.12.14) Brittle stars inspire new generation robots able to adapt to physical damage
Tohoku University “Brittle Stars inspire new generation robots able to adapt to physical damage” https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/en/press/brittle_stars_inspire_new_robots.html EurekAlart! Brittle stars inspire new generation robots able to adapt to physical damage Research Sea Brittle stars inspire new generation robots able to adapt to physical damage youtube https://youtu.be/Jq4L4ZKpXq0
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Eiki Sato, Tatsuya Ono, Hitoshi Aonuma, Yoshiya Matsuzaka, and Akio Ishiguro Title: A Brittle Star-like Robot Capable of Immediately Adapting to Unexpected Physical Damage Journal: Royal Society Open Science, Vol. 4, 171200, 2017 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171200 (リンク先)http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/4/12/171200
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Koichi Osuka, Toshihiro Kawakatsu and Akio Ishiguro Title: Mathematical Analysis for Non-reciprocal-interaction-based Model of Collective Behavior Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86, 124004 (2017). Doi: 10.7566/JPSJ.86.124004
Dai Owaki (Assistant Professor ) has moved to Neuro-robotics Lab., Dept. of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, since 1st October 2017. Hayashibe Lab.: http://neuro.mech.tohoku.ac.jp Dai Owaki: http://oscillex.org/
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Koichi Osuka, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Naoki Matsui, and Akio Ishiguro Title: A Minimal Model of Collective Behaviour Based on Non-reciprocal Interactions Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2017)
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Ryo Yoshizawa, and Akio Ishiguro Title: Tegotae-based decentralised control scheme for autonomous gait transition of snake-like robots Bioinspiration & Biomimimetics, 12, 046009 (2017). Doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/aa7725
TESP Robotics students came to our lab. and we showed our robots, animals, and lab. equipments.
Publication Details: Authors: Dai Owaki, Masashi Goda, Sakiko Miyazawa and Akio Ishiguro Title: A Minimal Model Describing Hexapedal Interlimb Coordination: The Tegotae-Based Approach Journal: Frontiers in Neurorobotics DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2017.00029
Publication Details: Authors: Takeshi Kano, Kazuhiko Sakai, Kotaro Yasui, Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro Title: Decentralized control mechanism underlying interlimb coordination of millipedes Journal: Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Electronics Weekly(2017.3.23): 「Four-leg robot spontaneously trots, canters, then gallops」 Inverse.com(2017.3.23): 「Four-Legged Machines are Proto 'Westworld' Robots」
Tohoku University "Quadruped robot exhibits spontaneous changes in step with speed" EurekAret! "Quadruped robot exhibits spontaneous changes in step with speed" ResearchSea"Quadruped robot exhibits spontaneous changes in step with speed"
Publication Details: Authors: Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro Title: A Quadruped Robot Exhibiting Spontaneous Gait Transitions from Walking to Trotting to Galloping Journal: Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00348-9
Takeshi Kano has been promoted to associate professor since 1st of October. Congratulations!!
18 Apr 2016
We updated Team page. Welcome to all the new members!
04 Apr 2016
After a very warm winter, sakura came early this year! We had a marvelous hanami, together with our guests from Finnland including Jenna Sutela whose slime-mold inspired art was recently exhibited in Tokyo! We all had a great time, with some excellent sake, food, company and beautiful sakura views!
Sakiko was awarded the 2015 Dean of Engineering Award for her outstanding scores during her bachelor. Congrats, and keep it up!
06 Oct 2015
Yesterday we visited the Yagiyama zoo, to get some real hands-on experience with snake-gaits! We got an hour to set up some tests and play with a couple of japanese rat snakes, a very pretty, light-blue and docile snake (at least the two we got to handle were). We had...
13 Jul 2015
End of last month we attended AMAM (Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines), which was a blast! We had several posters showing, Takeshi gave a short talk and Akio-sensei gave the final keynote, which seems to have been well received. There were countless other interesting and fun talks, for example,...
08 Jun 2015
We are currently in the process of moving to this new website, with both English and Japanese! We will be gradually filling in information, please stay tuned! Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you cannot find the information you're looking for. For contact info, see the Team...