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Shigeru Kuroda, Itsuki Kunita, Yoshimi Tanaka, Akio Ishiguro, Ryo Kobayashi, and Toshiyuki Nakagaki, "
Common mechanics of mode switching in locomotion of limbless and legged animals
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
vol.11 no.95, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro, "
A Simple Measure for Evaluating Gait Patterns during Multi-legged Locomotion
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration
vol. 7, no.4 pp.214-218, 2014
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, "Mechanism of Quadruped Gait Transition,"
Proceedings of Dynamic Walking 2014
, T308, 2014
Akio Ishiguro, Ken Nakamura, Takeshi Kano, and Dai Owaki, "Neural communication vs. physical communication between limbs: Which is essential for hexapod walking?,"
Dynamic Walking 2014
, T406, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Eiki Sato, Hitoshi Aonuma, Yoshiya Matsuzaka, and Akio Ishiguro, "Mathematical Model of Inter-arm Coordination Mechanism of Ophiuroids,"
the Joint Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB/SMB 2014 Osaka)
, 2014
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, "
CPG-based Control of Bipedal Waling by Exploiting Plantar Sensation
, 2014
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, "Load-dependent Interlimb Coordination"
Living Machine 2014 Workshop
, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Hisashi Date, and Akio Ishiguro, "Simple Decentralized Control Scheme Can Reproduce Versatile Gait Patterns of Snakes,"
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014)
, pp. 20-23, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Fuyuhiko Satake, Hisashi Date, Kosuke Inoue, and Akio Ishiguro, "Doing Well in Narrow Aisle! Decentralized Control Mechanism Underlying Adaptive Concertina Locomotion of Snakes,"
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014)
, pp. 32-35, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Koichi Osuka, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, and Akio Ishiguro, "Self-organization of Motile Oscillators Inspired by Friendship Formation,"
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014)
, pp. 341-344, 2014
Takeshi Kano, Koichi Osuka, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Akio Ishiguro, "Order formation through asymmetric interactions,"
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications (ICCMA2014)
, 2014
Dai OWaki and Akio Ishiguro: CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award (Highly Commended papaer award) "CPG-based Control of Bipedal Walking by Exploiting Planatar Sensation", 17th the Internatial Coference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR2014), July 21-23th, 2014.
加納剛史,佐藤英毅,小野達也,青沼仁志,松坂義哉,石黒章夫:計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014(SSI2014) SSI Best Research Award「クモヒトデのレジリアントなロコモーションに内在する自律分散制御則」,2014年11月23日
Research Institute of Electrical Communication
Tohoku University