Yukihiro Koizumi

Master Student


Research Statement

Most four-legged robots move mainly by limb motions. In contrast, when we look back to quadrupeds, they move by coordinating body and limb motions. The body plays an important role in quadruped locomotion in terms of increasing the propulsion force and extending the stride length. The aim of my study is clarifying the control mechanism for "Body-limb coordination" underlying animal locomotion.

Short Biography

2010.4-2013.3 Sendai First High School
2014.4-2018.3 Department of Information and Intelligent Systems, School of Engineering, Tohoku University
2018.4-    Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Other Interests

Movie: Baby Driver・The Greatest Showman・Kingsman
Game: Metal Gear Solid・Horizon Zero Dawn・Life is strange
Music: One Ok Rock・UTADA・Queen etc...